Convert pantone

HEX color #0d1ato RGB, Pantone, RAL, HSL and HSB formats. Convert it to JSON format and generate color schemes for your design. Click in the name to browse the Pantone color books.

Enter a PANTONE Number, color name or pick the color that you are looking for. Table de conversion des couleurs entre RAL, Pantone, CMJN . This little tool will display a list of the the nearest Pantone colors to your required RGB color. Enter ReGreen,Blue componants values in .

Finds candidates of suitable PANTONE equivalents for a given CMYK process . How do I convert Pantone 7C (Cool Gray) to TPX? The TPX ink s are used on textile and paints. Pantone 100C Hexa : #F3EDR:2V:2B:1Pantone 101C Hexa : #F5ECR:2V:2B:Pantone 102C Hexa : #FAE6R:2V:2B:Pantone .