Adapter la teinte de l’écran de son casque moto en fonction de l’ensoleillement, voilà l’argument de vente du Shoei CWR-Transitions. Cet écran CWR-pour casque Shoei s’installe uniquement sur les modèles suivants : – NXR. The CWR-Photochromic Pinlock face shield fits only the Shoei’s RF-1200!
Transitions Photochromic technology allows visors to automatically and . CWR-Transitions Photochromic Pinlock Shield. Offers 1 UVA UVB Protection and a scratch resistant coating. To be used in conjunction with the Pinlock .
As an alternative to always keeping a clear visor on you or switching shields for daytime and nighttime, Shoei. Purchase the Shoei CWR-Transitions Pinlock-Ready Face Shield at RevZilla Motorsports. Get the best free shipping exchange deal anywhere, no restock . Shoei first announced its photochromic visor in March of 2014. Now, in March of 201 Shoei says the CWR-Transitions Photochromic . Vous n’avez donc plus besoin d’apporter deux visières! Une seule visière est désormais nécessaire; Offerte pour la visière adaptative CWR-des casques . MO Tested: Shoei CWR–Transitions Shield Review.
A solution for RF-12owners who don’t like to carry extra shields.